The mission of Patrick Mouthpieces is to provide trumpet players the tools necessary to perform on their instruments what they hear in their head, and to enable us all to switch between musical genres and not compromise sound or performance.
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Due to all of the various back-bore configurations available, we are now offering our standard cornet mouthpieces as two-piece models. Please contact us if you wish to custom order a one-piece version.
Rick's mouthpiece has the Inner Diameter of a Bach 3C. The rim has an ever so slightly more cushion feel to it. It has a 27 hole, and our classical back-bore. The cup has more overall volume than a 3C. We used a B cup design, but from a slightly smaller mouthpiece so that the player would not lose endurance. The mouthpiece is has a warmer sound, is quick responding, and is very comfortable. Rick and many other players have concluded that they have not lost endurance or range verses using a 3C size mouthpiece. If you're looking for a warm classical piece with a big sound that is easy to play, try this one!!
RB3B: 0.6658 inner diameter measured at 0.030" 0.1440 throat 27 drill 1.0659 outside diameter