The mission of Patrick Mouthpieces is to provide trumpet players the tools necessary to perform on their instruments what they hear in their head, and to enable us all to switch between musical genres and not compromise sound or performance.
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This is the personal model of session player Mike Haynes. He is an incredible player, and it's likely you've never heard of him, but I can guarantee that you've heard him. He's played on thousands of recordings including records, TV shows, movie soundtracks, and jingles. He is one of the most well rounded players ever! This mouthpiece is good for lead-playing or just cutting through a section. It has a very open sound and is very even from the bottom of the register right on up to the top. The mouthpiece is modeled after an old Studio C. It is a medium shallow V cup design. It has a big fat bright sound.
85M: 0.6366 inner diameter measured at 0.030" 0.1410 throat 28 drill 1.0976 outside diameter